Wednesday, October 19, 2005



Pounding drum
Tribal war dance
Raising hell inside my right eardrum
Muffled voices
Distorted sounds
Deafness creeping in
Chronic vertigo
Dreaded “drop attacks”
Whirling horizon
Supreme seasickness
Horde of screeching locusts
Buzzing pandemonium
Precedes the punch drunk attack
Extreme nausea
Projectile urp at times
My tired body
Constant struggle to maintain balance
A way of life
“Underwater” force
My best definition
Of the pressure in my head
Brutal in severity
Accompany the lengthy interlude
To those who suffer this scourge
My sincere sympathy
If fierce Dragons exist
They go by the name

What is Meniere disease?Meniere disease, also called idiopathic endolymphatic hydrops, is a disorder of the inner ear. Although the cause of Meniere disease is unknown, it probably results from an abnormality in the way fluid of the inner ear is regulated. In most cases only one ear is involved, but both ears may be affected in about 15% of patients. Meniere disease typically starts between the ages of 20 and 50 years of age. Men and women are equally affected. The symptoms may be only a minor nuisance, or can become disabling, especially if the attacks of vertigo are severe, frequent, and occur without warning.

I AM and i ISBN# 1-4241-0749-0

I AM and i  ISBN# 1-4241-0749-0
My first book
Bill Grimes Jr.
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About Me

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Wherever He leads me.
If I flow it Will you read it? Will you feel it As I bleed it? Because you see I need it To justify my trip My words A pointed tip Dipped in sacred blood Precursor To the coming flood A gift from God My KING A beautiful thing To serve His higher cause I'm not seeking vain applause Simply Clarity For this lost world to see His grace Sweet charity Unconditional love And peace My ultimate release SELAH……. (C) Bill Grimes Jr. 2012

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