Tuesday, October 04, 2005



Discarded hypodermic
Filthy used condom
Dank soot caked floor
Graffiti adorns the asylums walls
Empty mouthwash bottle
Never blue
Every drunk knows it gives you the runs
Sweat stained urinal
Behind makeshift cardboard stall
Arrogant heartless motorists
Honk their horns of disgust
Hells doorbells
Lice infested pillow
Tattered blanket
Reeks of putrid body odor
Temporary bed for the weary road warrior
Empty foil wrapper
Remnants of cracks dominance
The devil himself
Concocts this deadly rock
Blind existence
Addictions bitter pill
Debasements kingdom
In the heart of every town
I grieve our continued head in the sand
To ignore this awful blight
Civil massacre
Pure and simple

© Bill Grimes Jr. 2005

I AM and i ISBN# 1-4241-0749-0

I AM and i  ISBN# 1-4241-0749-0
My first book
Bill Grimes Jr.
Read My Writing at WritersCafe.org

About Me

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Wherever He leads me.
If I flow it Will you read it? Will you feel it As I bleed it? Because you see I need it To justify my trip My words A pointed tip Dipped in sacred blood Precursor To the coming flood A gift from God My KING A beautiful thing To serve His higher cause I'm not seeking vain applause Simply Clarity For this lost world to see His grace Sweet charity Unconditional love And peace My ultimate release SELAH……. (C) Bill Grimes Jr. 2012

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