My eyes see such magnificence
It overwhelms at times
The driving force
Behind my pointed rhymes
Jewel tone hues
Vibrant shades
Cloaked in significance
Royal Amethyst
My vivid purple dream
Artistic flowing stream
My favorite
As long as I can remember
Her Highness
Emerald Green
My Queen
She inspires
In so many ways unseen
Turquoise Vision Elder
Indian magic
Avoids all things tragic
Wisdom of survival
Ghost Dance arrival
Subtle inclinations
Advanced hallucinations
Peyote trance induced
Walking through a dream
Ritual celebration
Habitual procrastination
Vulnerable humility
Not always as it seems
A sacred current flows
Ever higher it goes
Just ask someone who truly knows
My journey
I must choose
Nothing left to lose
The only way I’ll have it
Transcendental freedom
I am but a word man
Still searching for my muse
Seeking harmony
Lost in memory
I’m amazed
And quite amused by it all
(C) Bill Grimes Jr. 2012