50 YEARS STRONG (For my parents)
50 years ago this day
A family
Borne of precious love
Bill and Dot
Vigor Grads
Endless hopes and dreams
Three healthy children
Gifts from God above
Pop smelled of “bread and butter”
Paper Mill aroma
Mimi ran the household
Little league
Girl Scout cookies
Blonde curls
Little girls
Mischievous boy
Backyard swings
Mop water incidents
A cat named “Fluffy”
A dog named “Trey”
Creek mud stains to deal with
Bible school days
A baby girl named “Buggy”
The coach
Taxi Driver
Lisa Ann
The strong and steadfast one
Earned badge of patience
Sunday drives after church
Chickasaw afternoons
Homemade ice cream
Grandparent’s pride and joy
Family dinner round the table
Abundant Lazy Susan
Vegetables my nemesis
Despite the many setbacks
Always a goodnight kiss
Bee stings
Bloody noses
Scraps with Scott Callahan
Playing “Army” in the hall
Weeks old food
Beneath “Queenies bed”
Leslie’s charm
The gerbils
Hard headed Weehoo
Rebellious Dreamer Athlete
Beatles albums
Barbie dolls
Easy Bake Ovens
Football games
Bike rides
Home run balls
Late night phone calls
Abdul and crew
They reverently called Mimi “Mother”
So grateful for the hospitality
So far away from home
Pop’s thunder snores
Mimi’s patient sighs
So many twisted turns
A family remains
Our life together
Hardly dull
Sacred memories
Warm and sweet
We thrive because of this sacred love
Our parents sacrifice
The Grimes Family
50 years strong and growing……..
50 years ago this day
A family
Borne of precious love
Bill and Dot
Vigor Grads
Endless hopes and dreams
Three healthy children
Gifts from God above
Pop smelled of “bread and butter”
Paper Mill aroma
Mimi ran the household
Little league
Girl Scout cookies
Blonde curls
Little girls
Mischievous boy
Backyard swings
Mop water incidents
A cat named “Fluffy”
A dog named “Trey”
Creek mud stains to deal with
Bible school days
A baby girl named “Buggy”
The coach
Taxi Driver
Lisa Ann
The strong and steadfast one
Earned badge of patience
Sunday drives after church
Chickasaw afternoons
Homemade ice cream
Grandparent’s pride and joy
Family dinner round the table
Abundant Lazy Susan
Vegetables my nemesis
Despite the many setbacks
Always a goodnight kiss
Bee stings
Bloody noses
Scraps with Scott Callahan
Playing “Army” in the hall
Weeks old food
Beneath “Queenies bed”
Leslie’s charm
The gerbils
Hard headed Weehoo
Rebellious Dreamer Athlete
Beatles albums
Barbie dolls
Easy Bake Ovens
Football games
Bike rides
Home run balls
Late night phone calls
Abdul and crew
They reverently called Mimi “Mother”
So grateful for the hospitality
So far away from home
Pop’s thunder snores
Mimi’s patient sighs
So many twisted turns
A family remains
Our life together
Hardly dull
Sacred memories
Warm and sweet
We thrive because of this sacred love
Our parents sacrifice
The Grimes Family
50 years strong and growing……..
(C) Bill Grimes Jr. 2007