Monday, May 21, 2007

THRUST (Revised)


Curvaceous verse
Panoramic vocabulary
Mind bending soliloquy
Sincere attempt
At piercing lyricism
Hermetic thoughts flow freely
Never planned
Absent minded orchestration
Poetic gift
Truly divine
His power
Surging through my modest pen
So often I am mystified
By the cryptic finished product
Fine line diminishes
Between my selfish ego
And His holy direction
I was so cavalier
Brimming with vain expression
My focus now is servile
Praise and honor Jesus Christ
My words
Even by my own measure
Locution I cannot claim
Flowing from a higher plain
As a lotus bloom
Porous as planar sandstone
Inspirational I pray
Unassuming legacy
As He leads me down the chosen way
Honored to share my journey
Sharpened point of view
Perhaps a glimpse of hope
To those who feel my thrust

© Bill Grimes Jr. 2006

I AM and i ISBN# 1-4241-0749-0

I AM and i  ISBN# 1-4241-0749-0
My first book
Bill Grimes Jr.
Read My Writing at

About Me

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Wherever He leads me.
If I flow it Will you read it? Will you feel it As I bleed it? Because you see I need it To justify my trip My words A pointed tip Dipped in sacred blood Precursor To the coming flood A gift from God My KING A beautiful thing To serve His higher cause I'm not seeking vain applause Simply Clarity For this lost world to see His grace Sweet charity Unconditional love And peace My ultimate release SELAH……. (C) Bill Grimes Jr. 2012

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