Achieved heights of enlightenment and awareness can sometimes be cumbersome
You take what you can hold, digesting its truth and expanding your boundaries
Mortal men sometime misinterpret its sacred revelations
Ego blocks the light
Fear creeps in
Confusion ensues
I envision my deepest desires, transporting my mind to the beautiful destination
My focus accentuates the reality
I become the dream
This human world slowly fades into oblivion
Magnificent new horizons appear
The journey is lonely
One I must travel in solitude
My ephemeral need for a mate is a trip-wire along my path
Melancholy clouds my vision
I long to be held by warm, delicate arms
I ache for feminine companionship
My evanescent existence reels from my weakness
I drown in my infatuation
Loneliness becomes shameful nakedness
I am reminded of my fragile arrogance
Infantile naivety
A badge of evolvement
I am a child at the foot of the mountain
It’s mighty peak, a distant blur
I press on
© Bill Grimes Jr. 2005